FOL Annual Pledge Drive Procedures and Time Line
Author:Tom Adams Feb 2014
In early to
mid-January or before, decide on an image to put on the 5 ½ X 8 ½ inch pledge card
stock. From the outset, that has been one or more children engaged in some form
of reading-related activity. (see examples in CD).
Edit text on card
for relevance and readability.
Review and edit
spreadsheet with names and addresses of library patrons and other supporters
from the previous year’s mailout. This typically includes some 120 names and
addresses. Consult with Hamilton Public
Library director for possible additions based on director’s personal experience
with patrons. (Early pledge drive mailouts included all of the library patrons,
but was found not to be cost effective.)
Arrange with
Hamilton Printing for card stock, addressing and printing. In past years these cost
around $65 but have all been donated by Gate and Keith Gatewood. (Be sure and
recognize the Gatewood’s in the kickoff news article and in the wrap-up
Put up banners at
library announcing pledge drive and write article for Hamilton Herald-News for
publication in first edition in February, with “We Our Library”
Create a letter
to area businesses soliciting funds, ideally targeted to one or more specific
objectives (e.g., in 2013 it was for computer and related technology
replacement and enhancement at the library). (See example in CD.) Since the
funds go directly to the library, make sure the library board is in agreement
with the stated goal(s) before sending the letter.
In the past, this
letter has been printed at home and hand stamped from postage paid for from FOL
funds and consisted of 45-50 names.
Each week, enter
pledges received into spreadsheet. Write a weekly newspaper article with
progress to date, recognizing donors by name but not individual amounts.
Respect donors who wish to remain anonymous. (See examples in CD.)
At the end of the
pledge campaign, typically the last week in March, write and submit a wrap-up
newspaper article, thanking all those who contributed. Include a photo, if
there were tangible results, e.g., new computers.
Edit the name and
address spreadsheet on a continuing basis to delete deceased or unreachable
patrons and correct bad addresses.
Take down the
pledge drive banners.