Hamilton Texas Lions Club Hamilton, Texas - What a hometown should be! |
The history of the Hamilton Lions Club.
We were originally chartered in 1928, but the club disbanded some time later. That charter is here. We re-chartered in 1943. The current charter is here.
Lions Club Youth CenterBefore the Chamber of Commerce or Junior Chamber of Commerce the youth of Hamilton needed a place for their activities. Lions Burton Wilson and Claude Gautier planned and led the project, getting other Lions to supply the hard work, tools, and materials needed. The city donated the land ... originally part of Horton's Park ... and the Lions Club owns the building. A plaque is mounted in the building commerating its construction. Mrs. Woodall ( Lion Louis Woodall's mother) first handled the scheduling. This was later handled by others, including Ann Tatum. The building has a main room about 30'x20' (usually with tables and chairs set up), a large kitchen, restrooms, and several storage rooms. There is a similar size paved and roofed patio, with picnic tables. A large BBQ-smoker is nearby. Originally, it was used strictly for youth activities : scout activities, youth club meetings, after game dances, and after school games. Many local adults remember going there after school to play ping-pong. The building use has expanded to include: weekly Lions Club meetings, family reunions, and other activities needing its facilities.
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----Hamilton, Texas Lions Club----